This is the community webpage for Transilvania Quantum. Please follow this link in order to reach Transilvania Quantum Company website.

We are an open community of quantum computing professionals. We strive to implement new quantum algorithms and enhance existing ones. Our research projects include quantum image processing, quantum machine learning, molecular symulations and more. The quantum industry will define the future, there is little doubt about it. We want to help drive this change. We also build classical tools in order to help us better unserstand new algorithms and get the most of what has already been discovered. This is an inclusive community, we organize events, meetups, workshops, webinars and more, all to get people interested in QC.

Together we stay motivated. Join us on Slack!


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How to write a high-performance quantum computing simulator in just a few lines of code


There are dozens of quantum simulators out there. Written in all possible languages. Some take advantage of the GPU. Some use advanced processor instruction sets like AXV, FMA, SIMD etc. Some are hardware designed for such operations. Why bother write a new one? ...

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Quantum Image Analysis. Possible Speedup for Detecting the Skew Angle of Documents.


"Now, that we are approaching the quantum computing age and quantum computers are becoming reality, it’s only natural that we ask ourselves: Can quantum computing and quantum information bring an advantage to image processing?" ...

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A strange way to analyze sound using a quantum computer .


“How Flexible Representation of Quantum images (FRQI) will work in the case of sound ? Is this an efficient method ?” .

I will present a possible alternative in quantum computing(To put it simply I will apply the FRQI described in the articles linked in references, but on a sound) ...

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Simulating the Monty Hall Problem on a Quantum Computer


Quantum computing is thought to bring advantages in many fields like chemistry, cryptography, optimization and more. But one of the most important traits of QC available today is true randomness. This makes it an ideal way to study problems related to probability and statistics.

Let’s use quantum computation to tackle one of the most debated probability problems: the Monty Hall problem. ...

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Someone said that the best way of learning is to do other’s said the best way of learn is to explain. Here I try to naively explain what I learned building VQE from scratch.

Variation algorithms are some sort of hybrid cars, meaning, part of the workload of the classic processor is replaced by quantum computers. The task the algorithm is supposed to fulfill is to calculate the minimum eigen value of an operator (sometimes this can have a physical meaning, like energy, for instance)...

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Computer scientist with 10+ years of experience

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Software engineer

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Senior researcher at INCDTIM

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Software engineer, founder NoCodeYet

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I'm a physics student interested in solving interesting problems.

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